Kiwi Easter

We’re not the Easter celebrating kind. Our past Easters, we have enjoyed the time off, often visited Petri’s relatives and enjoyed guilt-free candy binging. But Easter has always been a holiday that still significates that spring is either here or around the corner. Snow melting, brighter and longer days, grass and plants starting to be more green again.

But not this year. And it is hitting me harder because I hadn’t given it any thought beforehand. Before leaving, we talked about celebrating Christmas during summer months, we were more prepared for it. But I never gave Easter any thought. Probably because back then it was still uncertain if we would really manage to stay here for this long, worst case we would be home already.

But here we are. Easter has been different. The nights are colder, the days darker and shorter, leaves are turning red and yellow, and falling down. It definitely feels like autumn. And Easter during autumn is a culture shock we hadn’t prepared for.

This doesn’t mean we didn’t enjoy our weekend though. We also had our one year wedding anniversary during this time. We have been hanging out with friends, watching movies, eaten good food, visited an aviation museum and relaxed. The Easter Bunny even left us some gifts to our car!


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Two bunny chocolates left for us on our windscreen wipers.


How have you enjoyed your Easter?